Monday, May 27, 2013

After several months

So now that I am several months into this PhD thing, I guess I can rightly report on the life a PhD student, parent and wife. I've started this blog to do just that. I'll be reflecting on what it means to balance (or attempt to) a life of learning, teaching and parenting and have a lot of fun doing it.
My name is Mimi, I'm a Texan at heart but I've lived in Florida, Washington, DC and now in Missouri. I'm married to a great guy, Greg, my best friend who is also a PhD student. We have a sweet 20 month old daughter, Evangeline, who loves adventure and to "Go, go, go" as she says. We also have a dog, Wylie.
I study the news coverage of natural disasters, as well as disaster warning messages and how those messages are interpreted and made. Maybe my research can provide context for how future natural disasters are covered by journalists and prepared for by citizens.
I look forward to sharing my journey with you.